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Codecs Part I - VLQ

1 minute read

What is VLQ? VLQ (Variable-Length Quantity) is a method for encoding integers in a compact, variable-length format. It is widely used in file formats such as...

Yule Walker

2 minute read

Derivation of the Yule-Walker Equations Yule-Walker equations is to assume that the signal lags multiplied by the autoregressive (AR) model coefficients equ...

Adaptive LMS Filter

1 minute read

In this post, I’ll discuss the acoustic echo issue in communication systems and how the LMS filter can be used for Acoustic Echo Cancellation.

Normal Distribution Basics

1 minute read

The purpose of this post is to explain some basics of the Normal Distribution. In furture posts I will be explaining the Auto-Regressive (AR) model and the...

Shannon Entropy

3 minute read

Welcome! In this post, we’ll explore the concept of Shannon Entropy, a fundamental measure of information in probability theory and information sci...